Zwei Analysis and Theorycraft – Should You Pull? | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Newbie/Incomplete Box Section
  • Basic Information
  • Basic Attack Information
  • Skills
  • Skill 1: Pierce Equation
    • Notable Pierce Nikkes
  • Skill 2: Frame Analysis
  • Burst: Overcharge Formula
  • Campaign
    • Red Hood Tech (Best possible team for Zwei)
  • Arena
  • Special Interception | Solo Raid | Union Raid
  • Special Interception
  • Solo Raid | Union Raid
    • Snow White Team (Iron Weak)
    • Snow White Team (Neutral Element)
  • Closing Thoughts/ Should you pull
  • Expected Skill Priority
  • Expected Ratings
Zwei Analysis and Theorycraft – Should You Pull? | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (1)

Note: This was made first day of release of Zwei. Inaccuracies will be fixed after more testing.


  • Great DPS buffer for pierce Nikkes, unfortunately Zwei is a burst I slot, which is usually reserved for Cooldown reduction Nikkes. This Forces teams with Zwei to run Dolla in content that require multiple teams, and the miniscule buffs Dolla gives has shown its age. This is due to Amazing Burst 2 supports being released.
  • A bit of her buffs are not tied to bursting, so a 2-1-2 formation can be used in game modes that don’t require multiple teams (Campaign, Special Interception), however this is not recommended outside of Snow White Teams as the values are not impactful enough
  • Strong team cover repair, which equates to around 33%~ cover repair for the team every 15s when continuously firing. Compared to liters’ 52.5% every 15s for 2 allies. This may allow teams to run without healers in prevalent game modes (Solo Raid, Union Raid, Special Interception)
  • Useless outside of pierce teams
  • Wish-List

Newbie/Incomplete Box Section

Zwei is a Great buffer for pierce Nikkes. However she’s tied to burst I, which is usually reserved for Cooldown reduction Nikkes, this “forces” Dolla or another burst I slot for CDR, which is a pretty big loss if the Commander has the top tier support duos such as Blanc/Noir, Crown (Tia)/Naga

If the Commander doesn’t have the meta burst II supports, then Zwei can find good use in Pierce teams until they’re recruited. Think of Zwei as a step behind Bunny team/Crown(Tia),Naga teams in regards to supporting most pierce teams.

Basic Information

  • Skill 1: Pierce Equation
  • Skill 2: Frame Analysis
  • Burst: Overcharge Formula
  • Cooldown: 20s
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Burst: I
  • Weapon: SG
  • Class: Supporter
  • Element: Electric
  • Manufacturer: Elysion
  • Squad: School Circle
  • Weapon Name: President JR

Basic Attack Information

Her multipliers for her normal attack is amusingly low (101%) compared to the usual Shotgun normal attack values (200+%), however Zwei is shown to wield two shotguns. This is similar to Soline, Crow, and Noah. These Nikkes are shown to have 2x normal burst generation values as they hit 2x more than normal.

Zwei should also showcase this. Even though she’s a full-reload shotgun, which gives less burst generation than Clip shotguns, Zwei should be able to provide a decent amount of burst generation in teams that may require it.


Zwei Analysis and Theorycraft – Should You Pull? | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2)

Skill 1: Pierce Equation

Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Pierce Damage ▲ 20.13% for 1 shot(s).
Pierce Damage ▲ 10.06% for 10 sec.

A skill that buffs any damage that contains the word “pierce” after damage is dealt. this also includes bursts, temporary buffs that give a Nikke pierce, and etc.

The pierce damage for 1 shot is clearly tailored for Maxwell or Snow white, which will be talked about later.

Notable Pierce Nikkes

Alice,Red Hood,Snow white,Maxwell

Pierce Damage ▲ in the damage formula

Pierce damage ▲ buffs multiplies any damage that has the pierce attribute. However, Pierce damage ▲ is in the same damage bracket as ATK damage ▲ (Not to be confused with normal atk ▲). Part Damage ▲ is also in this bracket.

This means that if the team has Pierce Damage ▲ and ATK damage ▲ buffs at the same time, it would look like:

Damage x (ATK damage ▲ + Pierce Damage ▲) x other multipliers = Final Damage

Skill 2: Frame Analysis

Activates after landing 5 normal attack(s). Affects all allies.
Recovers 7.52% of Cover’s HP.
Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Critical Rate ▲ 18.63% for 5 sec.

A skill that can provide enough survivability depending on the boss and if played around right. Her cover repair is nothing to scoff at. It Applies to all allies, and has around 20% higher values than Naga’s.

This alone may be able to allow teams to run without healers on some level sync’d content, and depending on boss attack patterns/RNG. More notably, she has consistent cover repair. This means that Tia can be paired with Zwei, her possible new best friend in Solo raid. Let the fan art commence.

Burst: Overcharge Formula

Affects self.
Change the Weapon in use:
Charge Time: 1.5 sec
Damage: 50.69% of final ATK
Full Charge Damage: 300% of damage
Max Ammunition Capacity: 1 round(s)
Additional Effect: Pierce
Affects all allies.
Pierce Damage ▲ 15.48% for 10 sec.

Don’t bother thinking her burst can do any sort of notable damage. Literally normal Attacking can deal similar, if not more damage than her own burst unless there are multiple parts. Zwei’s burst would only be used for her 15% Pierce Damage ▲


a possibly interesting Nikke in campaign, well, if the player has meta pierce Nikkes at least. in any other team, Zwei is not viable.

If the player does not have D:killer wife or Liter, but has Dolla and the meta Pierce Nikkes (Alice, Red Hood). This can open up teams such as

  • Zwei, Dolla, Red Hood, Alice, Tia
  • Zwei, Dolla, Red Hood, Alice, Flex Burst III
  • Zwei, Dolla, Alice/Red Hood, Maxwell/Snow White, Flex Burst III
  • Zwei, Crown, Alice/Red Hood, Maxwell/Snow White, Dolla (Burst with Crown) – Best team out of this list

Red Hood Tech (Best possible team for Zwei)

  • Zwei, Crown, Red Hood, Alice, Naga

This team isn’t recommended if the Commander simply has Liter, D:killer wife, or another top tier DPS to be slotted in (Maxwell,Modernia, etc) as they would outperform Zwei and the play style itself is restrictive, but this is the next best team. This team is not Recommended to be used in defense missions, or rounds that may last beyond 3 full bursts.

Rotation would be as follows:

  1. Zwei -> Crown -> Alice – 1st burst rotation (Interchangeable)
  2. Red hood -> Naga/wait for Crown CD if possible -> Red hood – 2nd burst Rotation (Interchangeable)
  3. Stall for final wave/Reset CD by living one harmless rapture alive on the field before boss wave
  4. Red hood/Zwei -> Crown -> Red Hood/Alice – Boss Wave


Zwei’s burst numbers are terrible. Damage is usually not an issue with Pierce teams in Arena as their counters are usually invulnerability Nikkes (Biscuit, Noah, etc) so her pierce damage buffs are not very useful. Her burst generation despite possibly being 2x of a full reload shotgun, is still below a clip shotgun.

Special Interception | Solo Raid | Union Raid

Special Interception

In Special Interception, Zwei has a solid spot in pierce teams. A healer shouldn’t be needed if the Commander can play around her cover regen well. She’s the next best option outside of Crown/Bunny Team/School Girls.

However, If the player has the meta pierce Nikkes that Zwei can buff, Special Interception shouldn’t be an issue, as she can only fit in teams that should make Special interception trivial in the first place.

Solo Raid | Union Raid

The most interesting topic in regards to her. Sure, she can be placed into Red Hood | Alice teams. But the lack of good Cooldown reduction Nikkes in the burst II slot (Dolla, Helm: Aquamarine outside of iron weak stages) cripples her indirectly. using her “locks” the team out of Crown/Bunny Team/School girl supports, and her buffs are not as oppressive as theirs in pierce teams. This wouldn’t be an issue if said Pierce Nikkes didn’t deal most of the damage in solo raid attempts.

However, Zwei just manages to squeeze through one team, and that is Snow white/Maxwell Team

Snow White Team (Iron Weak)

tia,zwei,helm: aquamarine,snow white,maxwell

Since Zwei can cover repair, Tia can be paired with Zwei without issues. Crown can finally be with Naga without leaving Tia to be unused.

Since there’s a surplus amount of ATK damage (77% on burst) and not that much ATK buffs (43%), Snow white and Maxwell would preferably need a lot of ATK damage rolls. Helm: Aquamarine also provides Damage taken debuff, which multiplies with ATK damage ▲ and ATK ▲.

Basically, this team has potential for massive damage in iron weak raids. This also opens up/mixes teams a bit

Snow White Team (Neutral Element)

zwei,Dolla,snow white,maxwell,yulha

The team listed with iron weak can still be used, but SW team might not perform well enough to justify hogging Tia in the team. Next best option is simply slapping yulha in the team and hope that team share and cover repair is enough to keep the team alive.

Miranda should be able to provide better buffs for SW than Zwei, but Zwei opens up a slot that is usually reserved for helm for healing. Zwei is also able to buff Maxwell instead of all the buffs being focused on Snow white, all of this should improve overall team damage when comparing to Miranda if the team is able to survive purely off cover repair.

Dolla sucks. give us another burst II Nikke pls.

Closing Thoughts/ Should you pull

Zwei is not really worth pulling, she serves as a niche “substitute” to better Nikkes (Which are also wish-listable) in campaign/boss battles despite her kit being tailored strictly for the pierce team archetype.

Zwei’s only strong point is opening up teams in Solo raid just because of her ability to be paired with Tia if the player already has all Nikkes available to them.

Her value may increase if a strong B2 CDR is released in the future.

Another Collab and Anniversary is coming soon, wish-list and save for future banners.

Expected Skill Priority

NikkeBudget Skill InvestmentsRecommended Skill InvestmentsSkill PriorityNotesInvestment Priority
ZweiSkill 1: 7
Skill 2 : 4
Burst : 4
Skill 1: 10
Skill 2 : 7
Burst : 7+
S1 >= S2Skill 1 Is strong when paired with Maxwell/Snow white, as their bursts are massive, one shot hits. Less effective with Alice and Red hood due to the limit of one of the buffs only lasting a hit.

Skill 2 can be upgraded as needed for survivability.

Burst mats are scarce, so only upgrade beyond 7 if needed, the values are not high enough to warrant spending gold books.


Expected Ratings

Rather rough estimations of ratings for Zwei

Overall (PvE)A-S
StoryA (For Pierce Teams Strictly)
BossesS (For Pierce Teams Strictly part 2)
ArenaB-A (Burst Gen)
Zwei Analysis and Theorycraft – Should You Pull? | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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